5 Ways To Boost Energy
Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, or evening, we’ve all experienced an energy crash. While it’s fine (and sometimes even welcomed) to have this crash late at night as you’re winding down and gearing up for bed, it can be downright frustrating to experience this complete energy depletion during an important part of the day—say,…read more
The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins
When eating for two, it is absolutely imperative to get all the nutrients you and your baby require. According to the National Institute of Health, many women of childbearing age are not getting these necessary nutrients through their normal diets. Because of this—and scores of supporting research—prenatal vitamins have become an efficient and viable way…read more
Life Strategies for the Ages
BEFORE A BREATH: 12 months leading to birth At birth most of the quality and longevity of our health have been predetermined by genetics and nutrition (preconception and prenatal). Studies have shown that the quality and quantity of micronutrients provided at these times is critical to normal development. Early nutritional status lays down the foundation…read more
The Risk and Benefit Matrix
Living a heart healthy lifestyle means looking at human behavior as it relates to nutrition and the manageable risk factors for heart disease. We are all human. This subjects us to being vulnerable to physical and emotional needs. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Eat right, exercise and control those urges that you know are ”…read more
The “Big” Four
Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol & Obesity FOOD, FOOD, FOOD We eat too much poor quality food and we don’t exercise enough. It’s as simple as that. In America today 3 of 4 white males are overweight. One in four are obese and 7% are extremely obese. 59% and 53% respectively, of Black and Hispanic/Latino males…read more
The 4 W’s of Heart Disease: Who, What, Where & Why
Q: Who gets heart disease? A:Women, men, black, white, Asian, and Latino. People from all socioeconomic backgrounds and geographic environments. In certain instances, such as women over 35 who smoke and take birth control or men who have multiple risk factors, the likelihood of developing heart disease is increased by up to ten times. Heart…read more
Kickoff to Heart Health Month
The heart is the center of our feelings and emotions, a sense of who we are. It is the first organ to function in our bodies; beating and pumping blood just 22 days post conception. At the end, it serves as one of the final sentinels of passing. Cardiovascular health and longevity are influenced by the lifestyles…read more
5 Foods That Kids Need
At some point, every parent has likely heard the importance of kids eating a balanced diet. But what does this mean exactly? In today’s blog, we at Natures Energy are going to help answer a part of this question and look at a few of the food items that children are not getting enough of.…read more
The Importance of Children’s Vitamins
Ideally, kids should get all the vitamins they need from their diet. This, however, is not always the case. As most parents know, kids can be extremely picky, so much so that it can be a nightly struggle to get them to eat two bites of something naturally green. This, in combination with time-crunched parents,…read more